I've basically fulfilled my St. Jude charity commitment, so I'm happy there.
And one more thing.
I love distance running. I love running for miles at a time. Why? Because you can start slow and feel horrible. But around mile 4 or 5, it gets better. The legs begin to pump. The lungs flare up with oxygen at a calm rhythm. And then you're good to go. For miles.
Because that's the thing. In a run that's 10 miles long, you can stumble and fumble for the first few miles, but you have to have the courage and the strength to keep putting one leg after the other until you're ready to do your best.
It just takes a while sometimes.
This is the biggest lesson I've learned this Summer while training. To just keep going. To ignore that voice in your head that continues to murmur, "I'm not ready." Because you'll get there. You just have to keep gonig.